Welcome to DCS' Y2K Website

Experience MY remake of the early 2000s! Hehe! >:>

Haha! The button doesn't work! right? idk? o_o

Enough of Y2K Now.


Hey! Wanna see some big text?

You: No.
Me: Oh well here it is! hehe!

This is big!

I made it by setting the font-size: to 300px in HTML (Or CSS o_o)!

You made it this far into my website? :o

Dart X Quinu :>

Thank you so much for seeing my website :> -DCStuffz.

Wha?- Y-You still here?
Heh, well I got nothing else to say..
No really, I got nothing.. I only got a redirecting link, here ya go :>
Link for visitor ^^

Yes, I love dragons, whatever :^

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Made by "DCStuffz".

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